Thursday, November 3, 2016

Licesnced to ill.. idan?

Been over a year since my last post here, and yes, I'm at it again with Legion.  A couple months in and it still hasn't really lost it's "new expansion shine".  I'm enjoying the experience, but missing my pals in DoT.  It's not ever going to reach it's former glory, really the only people on lately are Jimbo and myself, and that's ok.  For the first time ever really, I am playing on a different main, a Demon Hunter.  I'm really enjoying the feel of the class, especially the mobility.  Im also playing on Alliance. 

Whut you say?  Traitor?  Human loving swine?

Nah, I just know people that are raiding over there.  Over the last few years I've also felt my connection to the Horde wain.  Thrall is basically out of the picture at this point, I miss my Orc Jesus.  Vol'Jin is gone, and Baine hasn't stepped up at all.  I don't really see any good stuff going on in the Alliance either, Greymane is revenge bent, and even Velen has gone off the deep end.  Nope, for the first time since I started playing I really feel like a soldier without a castle, like it's "us" vs. the legion, and not the Horde vs. Alliance.  Not in an especially good way either, it's like the faction leaders just said "fuck it" and finally left us in charge.

Outside of that Legion has been pretty amazing.  Lots of stuff to keep ones self busy, and a lot of the garbage of Warlords is out the window.  Just thought I would drop you all a line on this, the eve of Blizzcon X.  I miss you guys.

May Thrall's Balls protect you all.


Monday, January 26, 2015

Like a Feenox from the Ashes..... Part II

Hello Disciples!

Cata sucked the dickles, and we were all burned out.  I tried to pull everyone back for the end of Cata and the start of Mists, and it was a no-go.  Mists was fantastic, although I wasn't in a guild I was happy with for most of it.  At the end of Mists I started up with a guild that was 50% awesome.  Problem we had was that the other 50% was... off.  Not bad, but of a different enough mindset that it wanted to go in a different direction (family friendly, super casual).  Recently push came to shove and our 50% (which was very Discipley to begin with) has moved over to DoT completely.  We are currently 5/7 in the Highmaul raid, and hope to clear the raid by the beginning of the month.

 As always all disciples are welcome back at any time, and steps have been taken to make sure nobody highjacks the guild again.  If you are off the wow sauce for good, not a problem, but if you're curious about coming back, the door is wide open.

Stay Frosty,


Thursday, April 11, 2013

DoT to Blizzcon? It is happening? Short answer: maybe.

So, Im gunna make a run on Blizzcon this year.  Im rapidly approaching the point in my life where it will be damn near impossible to do later on, so the time is now.  Also, this Blizzcon is looking to be the best in a long time.  Diablo expansion will be announced, Blizzard All-Stars is likely, WoW expansion is almost a lock, and we will probably see Titan rear its head.  I think Cim said it best with "It's on my nerd bucket list."  SOUNDS LIKE FUN DAN!  ALSO SOUNDS FUCKING EXPENSIVE!

Agreed, it's not a cheap trip, and I'm not saying you should go, but if you want to go, the planning starts now.  Tickets go on sale the 24th and 27th of this month for $175 bucks a pop.  If you think you might wanna go, and you can afford a ticket, go ahead and buy it...  You can always sell it down the road.  I don't really want to talk about hotel stuff/airplane tickets until Im sure we actually have people going.  If you are interested, let me know via facebook, vent, wow, email, phone or whateva!   Hopefully we can get a small DoT contingent to Anaheim, you never know......



Hand of Thrall

PS I promise right now if we get Kyle to come Ill get him all drunk, shave him baby bald, and paint him like a Murloc for the Blizz Lore Q and A.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

As it goes.....

Herro Dishiplilz,

It's been a bit so I decided to send an update as to whats been happening lately in the guild, and WoW in general.  As stated before DoT is a lot more casual these days, with all raiding taking place via the LFR system instead of guild run 10 mans.  This has actually been really sweet.  Not to say I don't miss our time in ICC, but raiding in Cata damn near killed me, and almost stopped me from playing WoW forever.

Running in LFR is a lot of fun, and gives me the ability to raid on my own schedule.  There are idiots in LFR, im not saying there isn't, but all in all its been a pretty good experience.

We've had people pop in and out to check out MoP, some have stuck around, like Rumbler and Threshkreen (now Malignant) and others have not played as much, which is fine.  Seems like there is always a Disciple of two online.  Quick shout out to Glenn who's back trying out MoP for the first time.

The lore is getting crazy at this point, and we are only a few patches away from punching Garrosh in his teeth (which is something any member of DoT should aspire to).  Come back and check it out, you'll be glad you did.



Thursday, October 25, 2012

DoT turns 3!

You know who was born on the 25th of October?

Katy Perry!!! Wait, what?  Who gives a shit?  Who else?

Pablo Piccasso!!!  Holy Shit, that would be awesome, if he weren't kind of an asshole overall.  And dead.  Very very dead.  GIMME SOMEBUDDY GOOD GODDAMNIT!

Thrall of the mother-fucking frostwolf clan?  Go'el the Son of Durotan?  The Kwisatz Haderach of Azeroth?  October 25th is his birthday?  WTF?  I thought they used the Olmec Indian Calender in Orgrimmar. Oh, it's the DISCIPLES of Thrall's birthday.  Almost as good.

Yep, three years ago today Sezmra, Threshkreen, and Kaylith incorporated the fine fantastic-ness that is DoT.  There have been bad times, and thick dark shitty times, but mostly awesome friend-forging times of awesome awesomeness.  Even though DoT no longer raids it survives as a pretty badass social guild, with Graal, Doomreaver, Dotho and others returning to the game every day.  To all those who (like me), bailed on Cata, you should check out Mists.  I'd say it's the best xpac, and it is, but that would sound like bullshit, and it is.  If you don't come back we still miss you all, and if you do come back we have naked Thursdays.  

Also:  The guild is less than a bubble away from level 25.  Coincidence?  Coincidence is for fucking sissies.

And this makes me happy:

Friday, September 7, 2012

Like a Feenox from the Ashes!

Herro Disciples!!!  It's been a long time coming but Disciples of Thrall are back in the swing of things...ish.

The issue we had before was burn-out guild wide.  We were raiding with these key issues:

  • We had an uneven raid comp because we wanted our social friends to be in the core raid group.
  • We had attendance problems because we wanted our social friends to be in the core raid group and there was no schedule that could work for everyone.

The overarching theme here is that we were using our greatest strength against ourselves.... We liked each other too much.  It's an easy solution:  Disciples of Thrall is raid free.  That's not to say you can't put together a raid in DoT, but we won't schedule a raid night.  I've put my main on another guild that I plan to raid with, but I will be keeping all my other toons on DoT because I love my guildies and I love my guild.  I still want everyone to hang out with one another and still be able to call DoT home, but I don't ever want it to be a job.

In closing this post on the grand-reopening of DoT, (confuse much?) I wanted to mention that ranks have been changed on purpose to make sure some asshole can't make a power play and steal the guild again.  DoT is yours... FOR-EV-ER (sandlot style).


Thrall's Hand
Disciples of Thrall

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

So long Disciples, and thanks for all the fish.

It's time guys.  The Disciples of Thrall made it almost 2 years as a guild, but our time has drawn to a close.  Very soon I will be disbanding the guild, and for good reasons.  "WHAT?  WTF! WHY DISBAND?!?"  I can understand why you might take issue with this decision, but I have thought it out and it is the only option.

  • Guild membership has dwindled, and during hiatus more members left and we were unable to bring new ones to the forefront.
  • I could pass leadership on to someone else, but of those I trust to lead the guild no one has wanted the responsibility (and I can't blame them for that).
  • I don't want to see our guild languish in the way I've seen other guilds languish.  It's depressing, and it strikes a contrast to why we made the guild in the first place, to play and enjoy the game as a close knit group.
Have you ever had to break up with someone?  Sometimes its not easy.  You think, "Ive been at this with him/her for years, and now all that time is wasted."  The reality is that even though you aren't going to stay with that person you got a lot of life experience and memories along the way, and when you know it's time, it's time.  Here is your DoT end of days faq:

Q.) What about the guild bank?
A.) Over the next few days I will be liquidating guild assets into gold as much as possible.  Those that have a claim to that gold and have contributed need only send me an email, but with people logging on so sparatically  there is no way for me to be diplomatic about it.

Q.)  Where the fuck are you going?  Where am I supposed to go?
A.)  In the short term I don't know.  I may server hop a bit, but I honestly don't have alot of interest in playing WoW at the moment.  I will certainly give SWTOR a shot when it comes out, and would love to join a guild with you guys (Sith side of course) but my days of guild leadership are behind me.  Nothing saying I won't come back to wow if I find it calling me, or if the next xpac is the shit.  But, you never know.

Q.)  What about the vent server?
A.)  I will probably maintain the vent server until the end of the year, and I will post a paypal link for anyone that would like to contribute to it continuing.  Its pretty cheap, like 45 bucks a year or something like that.

Final thoughts from Thall's Hand,

Im going to miss all of you guys, Sezmra, Marty, Darkie-poo, Rumblerz, Jimbo, Glenda, Cimmers, Bhoardy-Bhoard, Moo, Graal,  and yes even Kyle  (Please don;t be upset if I forgot anyone, theres too fucking many of you.  You guys made it worth it, and it's with you in mind that I end it.  Stay in touch, stay sweet, and Lok'Tar!

Much Love,


And one of my favorite moments: