Wednesday, December 26, 2012

As it goes.....

Herro Dishiplilz,

It's been a bit so I decided to send an update as to whats been happening lately in the guild, and WoW in general.  As stated before DoT is a lot more casual these days, with all raiding taking place via the LFR system instead of guild run 10 mans.  This has actually been really sweet.  Not to say I don't miss our time in ICC, but raiding in Cata damn near killed me, and almost stopped me from playing WoW forever.

Running in LFR is a lot of fun, and gives me the ability to raid on my own schedule.  There are idiots in LFR, im not saying there isn't, but all in all its been a pretty good experience.

We've had people pop in and out to check out MoP, some have stuck around, like Rumbler and Threshkreen (now Malignant) and others have not played as much, which is fine.  Seems like there is always a Disciple of two online.  Quick shout out to Glenn who's back trying out MoP for the first time.

The lore is getting crazy at this point, and we are only a few patches away from punching Garrosh in his teeth (which is something any member of DoT should aspire to).  Come back and check it out, you'll be glad you did.



Thursday, October 25, 2012

DoT turns 3!

You know who was born on the 25th of October?

Katy Perry!!! Wait, what?  Who gives a shit?  Who else?

Pablo Piccasso!!!  Holy Shit, that would be awesome, if he weren't kind of an asshole overall.  And dead.  Very very dead.  GIMME SOMEBUDDY GOOD GODDAMNIT!

Thrall of the mother-fucking frostwolf clan?  Go'el the Son of Durotan?  The Kwisatz Haderach of Azeroth?  October 25th is his birthday?  WTF?  I thought they used the Olmec Indian Calender in Orgrimmar. Oh, it's the DISCIPLES of Thrall's birthday.  Almost as good.

Yep, three years ago today Sezmra, Threshkreen, and Kaylith incorporated the fine fantastic-ness that is DoT.  There have been bad times, and thick dark shitty times, but mostly awesome friend-forging times of awesome awesomeness.  Even though DoT no longer raids it survives as a pretty badass social guild, with Graal, Doomreaver, Dotho and others returning to the game every day.  To all those who (like me), bailed on Cata, you should check out Mists.  I'd say it's the best xpac, and it is, but that would sound like bullshit, and it is.  If you don't come back we still miss you all, and if you do come back we have naked Thursdays.  

Also:  The guild is less than a bubble away from level 25.  Coincidence?  Coincidence is for fucking sissies.

And this makes me happy:

Friday, September 7, 2012

Like a Feenox from the Ashes!

Herro Disciples!!!  It's been a long time coming but Disciples of Thrall are back in the swing of things...ish.

The issue we had before was burn-out guild wide.  We were raiding with these key issues:

  • We had an uneven raid comp because we wanted our social friends to be in the core raid group.
  • We had attendance problems because we wanted our social friends to be in the core raid group and there was no schedule that could work for everyone.

The overarching theme here is that we were using our greatest strength against ourselves.... We liked each other too much.  It's an easy solution:  Disciples of Thrall is raid free.  That's not to say you can't put together a raid in DoT, but we won't schedule a raid night.  I've put my main on another guild that I plan to raid with, but I will be keeping all my other toons on DoT because I love my guildies and I love my guild.  I still want everyone to hang out with one another and still be able to call DoT home, but I don't ever want it to be a job.

In closing this post on the grand-reopening of DoT, (confuse much?) I wanted to mention that ranks have been changed on purpose to make sure some asshole can't make a power play and steal the guild again.  DoT is yours... FOR-EV-ER (sandlot style).


Thrall's Hand
Disciples of Thrall