Thursday, November 3, 2016

Licesnced to ill.. idan?

Been over a year since my last post here, and yes, I'm at it again with Legion.  A couple months in and it still hasn't really lost it's "new expansion shine".  I'm enjoying the experience, but missing my pals in DoT.  It's not ever going to reach it's former glory, really the only people on lately are Jimbo and myself, and that's ok.  For the first time ever really, I am playing on a different main, a Demon Hunter.  I'm really enjoying the feel of the class, especially the mobility.  Im also playing on Alliance. 

Whut you say?  Traitor?  Human loving swine?

Nah, I just know people that are raiding over there.  Over the last few years I've also felt my connection to the Horde wain.  Thrall is basically out of the picture at this point, I miss my Orc Jesus.  Vol'Jin is gone, and Baine hasn't stepped up at all.  I don't really see any good stuff going on in the Alliance either, Greymane is revenge bent, and even Velen has gone off the deep end.  Nope, for the first time since I started playing I really feel like a soldier without a castle, like it's "us" vs. the legion, and not the Horde vs. Alliance.  Not in an especially good way either, it's like the faction leaders just said "fuck it" and finally left us in charge.

Outside of that Legion has been pretty amazing.  Lots of stuff to keep ones self busy, and a lot of the garbage of Warlords is out the window.  Just thought I would drop you all a line on this, the eve of Blizzcon X.  I miss you guys.

May Thrall's Balls protect you all.
