Saturday, March 26, 2011

Hello Friends,

Disciples!  I hope I find you all well.  Perhaps you are reading this while running on a treadmill, or more likely while smoking cigarettes and eating cheetos.  Progression goes well as we have downed Valonia and her Bro in Bastion, and we will likely add 2 more next week (Maloriak and Four Winds).  As we grow deeper into this tier of content and gear becomes more readily available, we have more and more people wanting to raid in ten mans.    Its going to be a while before we get a second team up and running, so I wanted some input on possible short term solutions to the problem.  Here are a couple ideas I've  been kicking around:

  • Have people who have no need of gear on early bosses rotate out on that content in favor of someone who might be able to get a drop and could use the experience.  When the first "farm bosses" are down the "new" person would rotate out with the original person.   Now the team is back to full force, and has members that have been working on progression content together week after week.
  • Dark has been kicking the idea around of making a second ten man group consisting of alts and people that have scheduling conflicts during normal raiding times.  Time for this TBD.
  • There has also been talk from Bhoard, Graal, Dark, and myself about setting up a night during the week for rated bg's.  It's not raiding, but it involves the same level of skill.  Please let me know what times would work for you guys on this.  Right now it would only be 1 night a week for an hour or two.
We need to figure something out here, because while we have 10+ people that want to raid, its obvious to me that having the same people running week after week has huge benefits as well.  It's a tough balancing act, and as guild leader it's really hard to make sure everyone is happy.  That brings me to my final point....

Last Note From Thrall's Hand: 

We all like raiding, and bg's, and achievements, but that's not why Disciples of Thrall was formed.  In the olden days I would hop from guild to guild.  Some of them would raid (all horribly I might add.) some of them would just putz around.  It was ok.  It was like vanilla ice cream.  If it's there I'll eat it.

Turns out you can get plenty sick of vanilla ice cream and the only thing you can do is set out to make your own flavor.  And that's what we did.  At the time there were only four of us, but we knew we enjoyed playing together and that made all the difference.

As we slowly added members, there would be shitty ones, but we would keep finding diamonds in the rough. A new tank named Rumbler in Zul Drak, or a pugtastic hunter named Grim- no Doom- hell it's just Marty.  Jimbo and Glen and Bhoard helped make DoT what it is today, even though they had their own guild.  There are too many to count, too many stories to tell...  What it all boils down to is what makes DoT great, and that's the friendship, the family of it all.  I'd take a virtual bullet for any of you bastards.  WoW is about 18 times more enjoyable when you have cool people to enjoy it with.  To prove my point, and to indulge in some nostalgia, I have made this little guy for you,



Monday, March 14, 2011

Voice of an Angel!

Who says DoT can't go in and rape what is now trivial content.  Our time in Ulduar was fruitful, and we even got a mount and title out of it.  Saweetah!  Enjoy the content below, tis truly epic.
And if you liked this, you will love the DoT ringtone associated with it:
Graal Ringtone

Friday, March 11, 2011

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Anger Leads to Hate

Hello Disciples!

Just wanted to drop a line and say I reserved a guild name for Star Wars: Old Republic.  We don't have to use it, but I know a lot of you are interested in playing SWOR.  I figured Sith side was the way to go, and <Anger Leads to Hate> also popped into my mind when I heard you could reserve guild names.  Admit it, it's fucking epic.  Anyhoo, I figured it would be nice to have a sister guild that involved lightsabers.

Last Note from Thrall's Hand:

Leading a guild is a shit-ton of work, and I can't see myself leading two, so if we roll with ALTH, i'll eventually need someone to step up to the plate and take it over.  It's a long way off though, in a galaxy far, far, away.  I am excited about FUCKING LIGHTSABERS though: