Thursday, January 6, 2011

January 2011 DoT Newsletter

Hi guys!

We've been running with Cata for a almost a month now and there is so much stuff to go over I decided to make a blog to put it in a easy to use format that you can read on your phone or pc.  If you use a feed reader or news reader subscribe to this so you can get info as it pops.  

Everyone is excited about raiding, which is great!  We do have some steps to go however to get raid ready.  I have a few friends who have tried to tackle the raid content with people geared similarly to our people, and they have been unable to get a raid boss down below 70%.  I decent benchmark would be 10k sustained dps per player, and I know we don't have 5 dps'ers there yet.  We will still put a raid together on 1/11/11, but our gear may not yet be up to the challenge.  So how do we get there?

1.)  Gear runs.  Im going to put a few dates on the calender for gearing runs through heroics.  These will be guild events so they will not show as invites.  Check your calender often!  I wont be doing actual raid invites until we have our teams down.  Use atlas loot to see what gear you need and from where so you can make your own "wish list".  This will also get you the Justice Points you need to buy additional gear.
2.)  Crafted Epics.   We have several guildies that are maxing their skills up right now and many (including me) will craft epics for you.  Guild members are not required to do this for free, and if they do it for free you will be required to gather all the mats as well as the mats required to get the recipe for the epic you want.  Chaos orbs are not easy to come by so be patient if you are in line to get gear.
3.)  Reputation.  Everyone should look up what rep gives them the best gear and should be grinding that rep through heroics as much as they can.  This goes for heroic gear as well as epics.

We will only have one raid team to start, and may rotate players out when needed.  I would encourage everyone that has a healing or tanking offspec to gear that up as well when available for raid utility.  Once we have enough members or alts available we will make a second raid team.

You may have noticed we have added new members.  Please give them the courtesy you have shown new members in the past.  Everyone that's an officer should be available for questions when you are in game and not dungeoning it up.  With guild leveling becoming slower and slower I am still looking for new members.  Lowbies are fine, I'd like to see a few locks, and healers are always a plus.  Please advise anyone you invite that they are under evaluate status for at least two weeks.

Yes, we are a raiding guild, but a lot of us like to punch Alliance in the face whenever possible.  We will setup a rated battleground night in the future and I would recommend using Arenas to gear up.  Dark and I made a 2v2 team and all you have to do is win 6 matches in one week to get 1350 Conquest points, which award PvP epics.  Pair up with someone and run the hell outta those if you are interested in PvP in the future.

Last note from Thrall's Hand:
I'm excited about this new expansion and getting to see all of it with you guys.  Please let me know if you have any questions, and Ill leave you with this slightly gay, but cheery video.  Ok, its really gay.

Lok'Tar O'gar!



  1. Dear Mr. Boss man,

    Can we make this song our guild theme?

    Love, RumblyRumbla

  2. MC Chris, Hoodie Ninja is the guild theme for the next 45 minutes, then I dont know.
