Sunday, February 20, 2011

How many Magmaws does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?

So I read up on the fights we have coming in BoT and BwD.  We should have minimal problems until the end boss in each raid.  I also pugged into a Throne of the Four Winds, and the first fight, while hectic, is easily within our grasps to down.  Especially with our raid comp.  The big difference between Wrath and Cataclysm however, is that we now have multiple raids that we can bounce between.  This is a good thing.  As more and more bosses come into farm territory we can mow through them one by one to get at the tasty gooey lewt filled center of each boss.  More loot means more deeps means more heals means less tank dead.  I'm all for it, and I think you guys are too.

The thing we need to avoid is farming too much.  We reset ICC for months (no seriously, months) because a few people wanted gear that wouldn't drop from earlier bosses.  As a result we were behind the curve and got to the later parts of ICC when most guilds had already downed Sinestra.  Not now.  Not this band of manly men and even manlier women.  We are in a position to have all non-heroic raid content down well within this tier of raiding, with some work that is.

So what needs to happen?  We need to do the Rain Raid Dance.  We need to find the effective balance between gearing players, and downing new content.  I unfortunately have no idea what that is yet.  Me, the Jimmer, and Darkie poo will be weighing options each week on where we need to be.  At this point all raids we be reset for us on Tuesdays, but soon we will have to push further than we have before, and that means extensions.

Last Note From Thrall's Hand:

The reason behind this is, as always, to keep you guys in the loop about where the guild is headed, and to give you the chance to put in your 2 cents in.  Apparently next week will be sunny with a slight chance of Sezmra, so here is something she, and you, will really like:


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