Thursday, April 14, 2011

Pah Pah Pah Progression?!?!

So the mighty mighty DoT had quite the week for progression.  Makes me wish we had a 3rd day to raid.  Atramedes and Chimaeron are regarded as some of the harder fights in Cataclysm as a whole and I feel like we got our learn on fairly quickly with each of them.  Chimaeron in particular was most impressive to me.  90% of the team had not seen the fight and we learned it, applied it, and killed it in just shy of an hour.  Will Nefarian be so easy to beat?  Most likely not.  However I feel that we have grown well as a group and have become much more capable since our "Sindragosa wipefest" days.

So here's my thought, I would like to get Nefarian and his bitch ass robot sister down and I would like to devote 1 night a week to doing so.  I realize that there is gear to be had for everyone on the prior 5 bosses, but we will never be able to say "Ah, we got everything we need from these guys," like we did in ICC.  Different game now, for us anyway.  There are still a lot of guilds where we were a few months ago.  They go in, beat up magmaw, wipe 10 times on Omni-Tron, take their maelstrom crystals and call it a night.   That's not us anymore, and I don't want it to be that way again.

We have a shot at downing all twelve bosses before the next content patch, and I think thats a great goal for us.  The 4.1 patch is in release status on the PTR right now.  That means we will see it drop the Tuesday after next (Thats my best educated guess).  4.1 will not have any raid content, but the new Zul'Gurub and Zul'Aman 5 man's will have a shit ton of purple "almost tier" gear available for us to fill holes in our sets.  If 4.1 drops say, on the 26th, we won't see Firelands for at least a month and a half.  This gives us a solid 2 months to beat Nefarian, Ascendant Council, Cho Gall, and floaty turban wearing guy.

How do we do it?  It actually won't be all that tough.  On Tuesdays we go in on a fresh run of Bastion of Twilight.  I figure including a Baradin Hold run we can get up to Ascendant Council and have a good amount of time on them as well.  On Wednesday we go and punch Nefarian in the face.  Ideally we beat Nefarian, and then we reset BWD each week for gear on Tuesday while making BoT the raid lockout night.

There is something I need from you guys to do this:  Attendance.  I know a lot of you are great at getting to every raid, and I appreciate it.  I really really do.  The issue with doing top end game bosses is that we can't explain the fight every week because our composition changed.   I know people have real life shit, and work and the like, but I need people who want to raid to sign up.  Tentative is not acceptable.  We need to have a yes or no so we know what we are doing.  Nothing sucks worse than waiting till after we are supposed to start because so-and-so might show up.

Last Note From Thrall's Hand:
Thank you all for reading my bitch list.  Love you guys.  Everyone is doing really really well.  Except Bhoard.  (He can't read so don't feel bad for him.)


Ps, the video for this weeks post was requested by Lyrra:

Damn....  If you want to get the taste of that out of your mouth:


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