Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Nefarian Night DoT Style:

So tonight is the first run on Nefarian, I thought it would be nice to have a visual aid as we go.  We will probably change up the strategy several times, but this should serve as a good starting point.  I'm not explaining the whole fight here, its mostly just placement.

Phase 1A:
 The fight will start with Darktholumew grabbing Ony "X" by the face and bringing her to the point and the position shown here.  Betholoumew will be tanking Nef "Skull" on the opposite side.  I will be kiting adds "Stars" until they die, at which point I will join the dps group.

Phase 1B:
When Ony does Lightning Disharge Dark will move her so the tail points at the dps group.  At these intervals the sides of Ony are bad places to be.  How we deal with this positioning may change from what I made here, but the idea remains the same.  Sides of Ony = Bad.  The main idea is to get Ony to about 5-10% and then switch to Nef and drop his health to 80% before killing her.

Phase 2:
As soon as Ony dies the fight turns into a bad Indianna Jones rip off.  The floor fills with hot molten magma.  Each of us will retreat to our special pillar which will be painted with purple, blue, or yellow.  (We will assign teams later.)  There will be "Chromatic Prototypes" at each pillar.  We will have to interrupt each cast of "Fire Nova".  We can continue to dps Nef during this time, but only if the healers can handle it.  Also, we need to make sure the Prototypes die at the same time (or thereabouts) so we don't have them running around in phase 3.  When Ony is close to dying in phase 1, be moving to your pillar if you can.

Phase 3:
Same as phase 1, with the following changes:

  • Dark will be kiting the adds.
  • Rumbler is all time Nef, and her main responsibility is making sure to keep Nef's breath away from adds, and coordinating with Dark to make sure he has enough room to kite them.
  • Dps is going to be FUCKING BURNING!  Cooldowns, Bloodlust, dogs and cats having sex!  Also, DPS and healers are responsible to stay out of the way of breath and tail lash.
  • Graal's "sigh" intervals will be increased.
I hope this helps us tonight.  Making these maps was time consuming, but i'll be glad to do it again if it helps us down a boss.  Lemme know if you think this was helpful.

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