Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Simmer Down Now. Simmer.

1 year, 7 months.  Thats how long the mighty DoT has been in existence.  DoT has always been a casual guild and we have always valued friendship over progression.  I don't want to see that change.  We lost Bhoard recently to burn-out.  He may come back, he might not.  I hold no blame against Bhoard and neither should any of you.  We play this game to have fun.  Shit, we pay monthly for the privilege.  If the game becomes more of a responsibility or a chore rather than fun, why play?

I feel some of this is my fault.  We have been progression raiding for a while now.  This is fine as long as people have fun doing it, however, I think we have been pushing ourselves too hard.  As I said in raid last night, DoT is moving to raids 1 night a week.  We had a fairly crappy run last night, multiple wipes, random shit that we couldn't predict.  We also had fun.  Jimbo was back, we got to raid with Tom after a long absence, Marty was in rare form.  I had fun, I had laughs.

I love you guys and this guild, and I don't ever want anyone to feel like they have to show up, even though they don't want to play.  Im making you guys the following promises:

  1. I will never scold you or hound you for not playing or quiting wow.  I really do like all of you guys and I want you to be doing what you want to be doing with your time.
  2. We will raid as often as general consensus warrants it.  We will be on 1 night a week for a while, when 4.2 comes out that may change, it may not.  No pressure.
  3. If someone comes into the guild and sows conflict they will be removed.  I don't care if they can tank in cloth gear or heal an entire raid while chilling in Org.  If conflict arises and I don't know about it you can always come to me and it can be confidential if you wish.

Last Note from Thrall's Hand

If you guys have comments or questions on the above, let me know.  I just don't want anyone to turn up like this guy:


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